Mengapa Yesus bangkit pada hari ketiga?? [The 3 days Rule - Barney Stinson of HIMYM] ~ "I'm just a leaf,not a flower"
Mengapa Yesus bangkit pada hari ketiga?? [The 3 days Rule - Barney Stinson of HIMYM] | "I'm just a leaf,not a flower"

Jumat, 22 April 2011

Mengapa Yesus bangkit pada hari ketiga?? [The 3 days Rule - Barney Stinson of HIMYM]

Barney Stinson and Robin Scherbatsky on Three Days Rule (HIMYM s04e21)

Mengapa Yesus bangkit pada hari ketiga?? Mengapa Yesus bangkit pada hari minggu??
Yeah,,si Barney Stinson dari serial sitkom How I met Your Mother akan menjawabnya dalam episode ke-21 dari season 4. Cekidot....

NOTE: Diperlukan hati yang bersih n akal budi yang sehat untuk membaca kisah niy.. ;)

Alkisah si Ted Mosby baru saja berkenalan dengan seorang cewek bernama Holly,dan Ted sudah berhasil mendapatkan nomor telepon si Holly tersebut,dan berjanji akan menelponnya segera.

Kemudian Ted menceritakan hal tersebut kepada Robin, Marshal, dan Barney,the pleboi cap kampak..

Hey. I just got that girl's number. [Hey,gue baru aja dapet nomer cewek itu.]

Check it out. Holly. Nice. [Yuukksss,Holly.Keren.]

Hey, you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna call her right now. [Eh lo tau ga,gue mo nelpon doi sekarang juga]
I'm gonna do that whole,"Hey, remember me?","It's been so long." [en gue mo bilang,"Hey,inget aku?","Lama banget ya kita ga ketemu."]
See, it's funny because I just saw her. [Tuh,lucu kan,soalnya gue kan baru aja ketemu doi.]

Dude, you can't call her. You have to wait three days to call a woman. That's the rule!! [Bro,lo jangan telpon doi. Lo harus tunggu 3 hari. itu aturannya!!]

Barney, that rule is completely played out. Girls know exactly what you're doing. [Barney,tuh aturan udah kuno. Cewek-cewek tau lo bakal ngapain.]
Hey, I got a new rule. It's kind of crazy, but I call it,"You like her, you call her". [Hey,gue punya aturan baru. Agak sinting,tapi gue namain "Lo suka doi,lo telpon doi".]

I'm sorry. Can you repeat that? [Sori sori,bisa diulang]

Barney, the Three Days Rule is insane. I mean, who even came up with that? [Barney, "Hukum 3 Hari" itu sinting. Lagian, syapa sih yang bikin itu?"]

Jesus. [Yesus]

Barney, don't do this. Not with Jesus. [Barney,jangan lagi. Jangan bawa-bawa Yesus.]

Seriously. Jesus started the whole wait-three-days thing. He waited three days to come back to life. It was perfect. [Serius bookk. Yesus yang memulai masalah 3 hari itu. Doi menunggu 3 hari untuk bangkit dari mati. Dan hasilnya,Sempurna.]
If he have only waited one day, a lot of people wouldn't have even heard that he died. [Andai baru sehari Doi udah bangkit, banyak orang belum denger gosip berita kematian Doi."]
They'd be all, "Hey, Jesus, what up?" And Jesus would probably be,like, "What up? I died yesterday." [Trus mereka bakalan ngomong,"Hey Yesus,gimana kabar lo?" dan Yesus bakal,"Apa kabar??!!Gue baru aja mati kemaren bro."]
And then they'd be all, "Uh, you look pretty alive to me, dude." And then Jesus would have to explain how he was resurrected and how it was a miracle. [Dan orang-orang itu berkata,"uuhhh,,lo tampak idup tuh bro." Trus Yesus harus ngejelasin peristiwa penyalibannya n kenapa bisa jadi keajaiban. <-- rempong kan?!!] 
And then, the dude would be, like, "Uh, okay, whatever you say, bro." [dan lalu the dude bakal ngemeng,"Uh, oke, terserah ape lo kate deh bro."]

Wow, ancient dialogue sounds so stilted now. [Wow,dialog kuno itu tampak sangat formil sekarang.]

And he's not going to come back on a Saturday. [n Doi ga bangkit di hari Sabtu.]
Everybody's busy doing chores. Working the loom, trimming their beards. [Soalnya orang-orang baru sibuk bersih-bersih rumah. Menenun. Cukur jenggot.]
No. He waits the exact right number of days... Three! [Kagak kan, Doi tunggu jumlah hari yang tepat. Tiga!]

Okay, I promise-- I'll wait three days. Just please stop talking. [Oke,gue janji,tunggu 3 hari. Asal lo bisa diem.]

Plus, it's Sunday, so everyone's in church already. They're all in there, "Oh, no, Jesus is dead." . [Oiya,tambahan Hari itu adalah hari minggu,jadi smuanya pada di gereja n meratap, "Oh tidaaakkk, Yesus udah meninggal."]
Then, bam! He bursts through the back door, runs up the aisle. Everyone's totally psyched. [Lalu,bam! Yesus masuk melalui pintu belakang, berlari mengelilingi kerumunan,dan orang-orang semua terpukau.]
And, FYI, that's when he invented the high-five. [n asal lo tau aja,itulah asal mula Doi menciptakan toss high-five]
Hmm. Three days, Ted. We wait three days to call a woman because that's how long Jesus wants us to wait. [Hmm. Tiga hari Ted. Kita menunggu tiga hari untuk menelpon cewek karena selama itulah Yesus menyuruh kita menunggu.]
True story. [Kisah Nyata]


Well,cerita versi konyol dari si Barney,namun sangat penuh makna. Yeah...menunggu,,menanti untuk waktu yang tepat.....
Sesuatu yang seringkali kita lupakan..
Maybe we just have to wait for the right time,the right moment..
Timing is so important..

Happy Gud Friday everybody..n Happy Easter everybody..
n as a friend of mine, who had introduce this serial to me always said, "God cheers us.."
Yeah,,God cheers us everybody... ;)

NOTE : mo tau penggalan adegan percakapan ini klik disini, n untuk mendonlot episode ini klik disindang..


tuanputriburukrupa mengatakan...

Hi3x!selamat menonton HIMYM.. ga nyesel deh nontonnya,dijamin ketagihan.. :D